To learn more about the American Bulgarian Business Association (ABBA), please contact:
Rumyana Yordanova
Executive Director
Executive Director
Executive Director
Regional Director Florida
If you want to know how to build a business from scratch, ask Miglena Minkova. Her high qualifications and entrepreneurial spirit have made her a successful leader with over 20 years of experience in international business. Her education in international trade relations makes her an excellent navigator in the complex processes of global markets.
She is a visionary with a strong business acumen and personal commitment to the causes she undertakes. That’s why we know that in Miglena, ABBA has a decisive partner who won’t stop until she achieves her goals!
Why did I become a part of ABBA?
Joining ABBA was not just a professional decision but a calling to be part of an organization that aligns with my values, aspirations, and dedication to development and sustainable growth. Together, we can create lasting opportunities for businesses to thrive in the rapidly evolving relations between the USA and Bulgaria.
Регионален директор Лос Анджелис
Веселин Димитров се отличава със своите организационни умения и постига изключителни резултати чрез ефективно управление на задачите и тяхното приоритизиране. Със силни комуникационни умения той изразя своите идеи, предложения и сътрудничество на всички нива. С образование бакалаварка степен в Регионално развитие и магистърска степен по Международни икономически отношения, Веселин разполага с широкообхватно разбиране на глобалната икономика, регионалната динамика и стратегиите за устойчив растеж. Неговият практически опит, академично образование го правят изключително способен в управлението на проекти и постигането на желаните резултати.
Защо станах част от АББА?
Като член на ABBA се гордея с директното влияние върху успеха на членовете на ABBA в Калифорния. С над 7 години пребиваване в Съединените щати като българо-американски гражданин имам дълбоко разбиране за нуждите и предизвикателствата, пред които се изправя българо-американската общност. С удоволствие подкрепям ABBA и нейните членове, работейки заедно, за да създадем среда, която насърчава развитието на бизнеса и дълготрайни партньорства.
Sevdalin Spasov is the founder and CEO of M Holding.
The holding company was founded in 1996 and includes the following companies MANIA Sustainable Fashion, TEXX TEAM, GREEN TEAM Worldwide Environmental Group, Fashion Brands and others. In Bulgaria, the holding’s activities are best known for Mania stores, and at the moment, there are nearly 50 operating stores in different locations, as well as a recently opened one in Greece.
In 2012 Sevdalin Spasov started operating in the USA by opening GREEN TEAM Worldwide Environmental Group,
a company dealing with the collection and recycling of unwanted textiles. GREEN TEAM currently operates with 11 bases in 12 US states, as well in Vancouver, Canada.
More than 600 people all over the world are directly involved in the activities of M Holding.
Since 2018, Sevdalin Spasov has held the position of Chairman of the Bulgarian Association of Circular Textiles (BACT)
Joining ABBA has provided me with the insight that I have gained valuable personal and professional experience that I should pass on to aspiring young entrepreneurs who may need guidance or direction. Over the past nearly 30 years, I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience from my business ventures on both sides of the ocean. It is time for me to share these insights completely free of charge with anyone who may benefit from them.